June 14, 2024


SANTA ANA, Calif. — Today, Representative Lou Correa (D-CA) released the following statement marking 12 years since the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program: 

“Tomorrow marks 12 years since President Obama created the DACA program, protecting thousands of Dreamers from deportation—many of whom arrived in our country as infants and toddlers. Today, those Dreamers are our nurses, police officers, and soldiers. They follow the law, pay taxes, and have built their lives in this country—graduating from American schools, growing in their careers, and starting their families here,” Correa said. “They’re deeply embedded in the fabric of our communities. They’re our neighbors and friends, and are a vital part of the economic fabric of this great country. They deserve the opportunity to be Americans. It’s past time that Congress passed the American Dream and Promise Act and delivered a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers—to keep their families together and keep our economy alive.”
